Transforming tools need to be upgraded.

  • 0_1720882592600_mmexport1720882572799.png 0_1720882601666_mmexport1720882575790.png Originally, the transformation tools on the left currently include moving, rotating, zooming, mirroring, skewing, and other tools. Excluding mirroring, the others basically belong to the separation of one tool, with too simple functions and being unable to adapt to some special scenarios, which need to be enhanced. I suggest adopting the transformation tools of Ai or Freehand. Rotating, zooming, and skewing, these three tools all need to be strengthened.

  • administrators

    @monsterfox I added this to the backlog. Is there any specific feature that is missing?

  • @VectorStyler VS currently has several transformation tools that operate outside the selection box, and what is needed now is a tool that can operate within the selection box. Freehand and Ai both have tools that can be operated within it, and you can experience it.