Selecting and moving multiple (many!!) objects

  • Vectorstyler is growing more and more on me - but selecting layers as objects in the layers panel constantly cause trouble. The advantage of the two type of selection makes no sense to me, and it will be a migration troublemaker for new users/costumers. Anyway 🙂 If it stays this way - or is never going to be customizable - I suggest this at least:

    From time to time I (have to) move a large amount of objects from one layer to another.

    Currently I have to select them all individually by SHIFT + hitting the small 'Select object' to move them all in one drag'n'drop operation. Selecting them on the canvas is a workaround with less precision. I know exactly what I select and how much in the layers panel. 🙂

    At least support quick selecting objects and layers as objects (marking the circle automatically) with CTRL + SHIFT so I don't have to single select a hundred objects.

    Thanks for considering 🙂

  • administrators

    @Ingolf There will be improvements on this in the next build 🙂

  • @vectoradmin Ooh, sounds like xmas to me 🙂

  • @Ingolf @vectoradmin We've been spoiled with the weekly builds! I'm more than ready to try out new features and dig deeper

  • administrators

    @Ingolf This should be working in 1.1.002 (beta)