How do I properly expand and merge text on a path?

  • I put together this design in VS and used text on a path to create all the text. I had also added a small stroke to the live text to thicken up the letters further.
    At this point, I would like to expand all the text - both the stroke and the live font itself, and then also remove the circular guide used to curve the text around.
    I noticed I was unable to move the text at all when I tried to drag it for example... though it was still editable in the sense that I could add or remove letters and I could guide it still along the path using the text path tool.
    My attempts to expand the strokes and also to convert to curves only caused the text to be released and for it to move in a random direction.
    What are the proper steps to finalizing a design with text on a path when you are ready to commit to the layout and no longer leave the text active? I assume I'm missing a step?

  • administrators

    @Boldline it looks like there is a bug with converting text on path to curves.
    Workaround: group the text and the path it is linked to into a group, convert to curves, and then ungroup.
    These steps will work around the movement issue.

  • @vectoradmin that workaround took care of it - thanks!