Could Clipping be added as an option in layer right-menu?

  • Love the new right-click menu in the layers panel. Could we add clipping as an option there as well? Maybe with two options; first - when you have two sublayers selected right clicking and choosing "clip to top selection" and secondly, if I select an item in the artboard and then go over to the layer menu and right-click on another sublayer, it would give a similar option to "clip to"
    This would be a huge improvement in my opinion

    0_1642598380522_eca9c7d6-837c-4e9d-93f7-2e6e0c60d65c-BLD 2022-01-19 at 08.17.53.png

  • administrators

    @Boldline I add this to the backlog. Meanwhile, clipping can be done by drag&drop a group or object into an object with a shape.

  • @vectoradmin Yes and I like that feature (dragging one sublayer into another to creating a clipping path). I've run into struggles at times getting it to cooperate that way, it may be mostly user error on my part as typically I try it and it works flawlessly.
    Adding the clipping feature to the right-click menu ties in with the way VS has individual shapes on their own sublayers and for the users like @Ingolf who prefer that kind of use of the right-click menu.

  • administrators

    @Boldline This should be available in build 1.1.024