Inspiration - interactive perspective feature

  • Before Affinity, Serif made DrawPlus for years - this can be protected by patents or whatever - I do not know - that goes for the other posts of features from DrawPlus as well.

    This is just inspiration for @vectoradmin - for a similar feature. This is great for adding a valid perspective fast without needing a grid, guidelines or making manual adjustments the hard way.

    DrawPlus was made for a less tech oriented audience - but some of the ideas introduced in the now retired program were great and user friendly. Like Affinity Designer the program evolved painfully slow.

    alt text

  • Well this is a feature request - I really miss this one.

  • administrators

    @Ingolf I added this to the backlog. But there is 4-Point transform in VS and can be edited interactively (somewhat different that the one above).

  • @vectoradmin I wouldn’t mind if distorting could be done also by dragging the distortion "cage" from the inside, but it's very important to be able to distort objects by dragging the four control points in the corners of the distortion "cage", just like the current 4-Point Distortion tool.
    So keep that approach first, but make it distort in perspective.

  • @vectoradmin Indeed there is and I use it. The visual approach has the advantage, though, that you can play freely with it and visualize all kinds of perspectives live and fast. The thing I liked about DrawPlus was that brainstorming in that particular program was fast and intuitive. Illustrator or CorelDraw was the factory for finalizing something but the creative process came alive in other programs. And slowly I started doing more and more work in other programs. Money (software cost) never was the deciding factor for me; motivation, automation, speed and easy of use was.

  • @Ingolf said in Inspiration - interactive perspective feature:

    The visual approach has the advantage, though, that you can play freely with it and visualize all kinds of perspectives live and fast.

    True. 👍