Is there a way to set the negative gap space amount between text lines?

  • This is probably already in VS, but I am looking to be able to set the gap space between independent lines of live text. If I have several sets of rows of text for example, setting them to a certain gap in between. Usually I just have one long list of names for example, but other times I have segmented lists divided into groups.
    I know I could gather all the names in a single list and set the gap for all at one time and then moved around as needed, but I'm sure there's a better way

  • administrators

    @Boldline If that is a multiple line text (in a single point or frame text), then in the Paragraph panel, the Leading can be set to less than 100%


  • @vectoradmin That makes sense. But in this specific case, I'm dealing with multiple single lines of text with vector shapes interspersed - so that would not work here.

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  • @Boldline You can move the last text line away from the rest, then select all text objects and use Distribute to move them at equal distance from each other.

    But this works only if the objects are stacked correctly in the Layers panel — not the first line being the third one in the middle of the eight text objects for instance.

  • @b77 yes this is true - and most likely what I will end up doing. I was just thinking about a way to set the gap after that point without having to collect all the rows of text first...
    Giving it more thought , I'm thinking of it backward. what I may be actually requesting, is a way to specifically set the spacing between vector objects/text lines.
    I have not spent enough time to fully understand all the options in the alignment panel yet, but for the distribute section - an option could be added to set a specific amount of distribution between selected objects. A numerical input box where I could set the exact amount of distributed space.
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  • administrators

    @Boldline There is such an option 🙂

  • @vectoradmin

    Just watched the video and must say again found something helpful 🙂

  • @vectoradmin Haha nice! Thank you for showing me. Anytime I suggest an improvement, I instinctively know there's a high percentage chance you've already added it!

  • @vectoradmin
    is there a setting I am missing? When I select several lines to space with this method, it works, but the centered column of text spreads out and I have to reset it back to centered
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  • administrators

    @Boldline After you enter the number in the Space field, do not press Enter. Just click on the top-right alignment icon.

    Confirming the Space with enter will apply the last alignment mode, or the default (left) alignment.