Google Docs type option for all of us to cumulatively add notes?

  • @vectoradmin is there an option in the forum for a google docs type setup where we could be adding to and refining an unofficial VS tips and explanations that all could share in using and helping with?

    @Victor-Vector had asked me to share my notes, which I am happy to do, but I was trying to think of a way to share them with all and also allow for others to add to it so we all benefit

    I'm a little out of the loop in terms of options and what would be the best and safest way to do so - does anyone have any suggestions?

  • administrators

    @Boldline said in Google Docs type option for all of us to cumulatively add notes?:

    @vectoradmin is there an option in the forum for a google docs type setup where we could be adding to and refining an unofficial VS tips and explanations that all could share in using and helping with?

    I think the closest is to post to the Tutorials, or General Discussion categories.
    There are some formatting options for in the forum, but in this case I think external link to tutorials might also work well.

  • @Boldline I dont have enough knowledge about google doc, but is there any option to export as pdf the whole file?

  • @Jayanta-Das With a google doc, it can be accessed by all and the actual text can be added to, edited, etc. It's like having one universal file that we can all use

  • @Boldline I understand. Or there may be sharing the link to the file ( only viewing right for the guest)?

  • @Jayanta-Das yes, I'm sure that is possible.... if we did this I'd like to keep editing access limited to those who have shown themselves serious and loyal VS users! just so it does not go off the rails

  • @Boldline I am truly grateful you are thinking of sharing your notes and working on a strategy to implement it. I really wish it was possible to share files of certain file types on this forum. I do indeed miss it, as it offers the forum users more ways to learn and grow.
    In the absence of this ability, Google Drive/Docs is a great way of doing this using the "Get link" function under the green "Share" button. I have a few linked Google Docs that I access where the creator gives everyone "read only" rights via the shared link, which would work well for your document. It's great that it becomes a constantly evolving document as you update it, if you choose to do so.

  • administrators

    @Boldline This sound more like a community wiki?

  • Opinion taken from the web:

    The primary benefit of using a wiki instead of a Google Doc is the ability to create nested hierarchy of content.
    So if you want to structure your documentation as a website composed of many pages linked to one another, wikis are fantastic at this use case.

    It depends on what wiki you have in mind, but the downside of using a wiki is that often it’s a lot harder to get used to the formatting than something like Google Docs so your participation may be reduced.
    Commenting and discussion is also a little clunkier than Google Docs. It’s also easy to lose track of content and pages in a nest of cross-links and interrelated content.

    The primary benefit of using Google Docs is the ease of use with everyone being able to edit concurrently and use a familiar interface.
    So if you would like people to contribute and discuss the research together, then this may be a good option.

    The downsides are basically the inverse of above – if you have a lot of content in your research project, it may be desirable to break it up into a lot of different documents because a single Google Doc may become unmanageably long. But cross-linking between docs is both complicated and a slow transition.

  • @b77 @Boldline For this specific case I would suggest OneNote. Its is like a book where you have chapter and pages.
    In the image below you can see the markings:
    3. Like books

    1. Like topic or chapter
    2. Like pages

    0_1647781538258_Screenshot 2022-03-20 182355.png