Default drawing mode

  • Maybe we discussed this before but here goes. 🙂

    Vectorstyler defaults to draw on top of layer when I start it. I never need or expect that mode to be active. I always expect draw above the currently selected layer. It is the default in AD - perhaps Illustrator defaults to on top of layer. I just doesn't make any sense to me.

    0_1648587102196_Skærmbillede 2022-03-29 kl. 22.48.41.png

    We have so many settings so I am not tempted to ask for another preference for this. But it really makes me wonder why it is the default. In my documents with many objects it just separates the object from the other objects it is part of. I almost always need the new object on top of something else and that is very often the object I actively selected knowing I am going to insert an object above it, but not on top of the layer.

    Moving something to the top is something I do from time to time. Inserting in between objects... constantly.

    So... my suggestion would be to make draw above the default setting.

  • administrators

    @Ingolf I think the solution for this is to keep the last selected drawing mode persistent.
    I added this to the backlog.

    EDIT: this means there is no need for new settings.

  • @vectoradmin said in Default drawing mode:

    @Ingolf I think the solution for this is to keep the last selected drawing mode persistent.
    I added this to the backlog.

    EDIT: this means there is no need for new settings.

    For me, that will suffice. 🙂