Path Brush Tool preview

  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm currently having fun playing with the Path Brush Tool. It's really interesting. 🙂
    Since it's pressure sensitive and I use my tablet, I can have a stroke with various thickness. But the tool's preview shows a thick grey line until I release my brush. So it's not easy to predict how the final shape will look like. Is there any settings or preference to change it ?

  • administrators

    @Devil-Dinosaur said in Path Brush Tool preview:

    Is there any settings or preference to change it ?

    No such option for now. This would be a bit of a problem. Currently, the brush paint is approximated using a path (curves) in the same way as the freehand tool does.
    Only after this step the variable widths are calculated (using the pressures).
    But the path approximation can be done only after the whole paint has completed.

    On the other hand, this allows the use of various stabilizer features (selectable from the context panel Stabilize field).