convert from eps or .ai and keep text

  • I can't get useful results by searching for this subject, but I'm sure it's been discussed. I have hundreds of Illustrator files, usually saved as .eps or .pdf, sometimes as .ai. I can open these in VectorStyler, but so far every attempt has resulted in all my text being converted to outline. Is there a way to open these documents and keep the text as editable text?

  • administrators

    @jfraze They should be editable text by default, if they are stored as such in the file.
    Send me one of each type (eps, pdf, ai) that is not working to csraba at , and I will figure out what is the issue.
    (files are confidential, and deleted after the issue is solved).

  • @VectorStyler

    Odd. I can send some files but I won't be available for a week or so, so I may not reply right away.

  • administrators

    @jfraze Got the files. All three files contain text that were converted to curves before they were saved.
    These open as curves also in Illustrator and Affinity.

  • @VectorStyler I must have picked bad examples. EVERY file I've tried has done this. It's been a while since I worked on those particular examples but I almost never save as outline, so I don't know who did that or when. I just sent a different test file, same issue. I included screen shots showing my experience. In Illustrator the text is plainly selected and editable. If the text is editable in VS I maybe just can't figure out how to do it. It looks to me like it's only selecting as outlines.

  • administrators

    @jfraze Got the file. This one indeed imports as curves.

    In this case the EPS file contains the flattened AI text, while there is also AI data stored in the file.
    The AI data can be opened in VS by enabling the Preferences -> Document Files -> Import AI Data from EPS.

    But there is a problem (bug): it looks like some of the text is not imported correctly by VS from the AI format.
    I will fix this ASAP.