Blend Transfer - delete a point of the curve

  • I want to change the distance between objects in a blend. I activate the Blend Transfer (Common) and proceed by trial and error. I would like to be able to remove a point from the curve but I don't see how (only the possibility to reset everything). Thanks


  • administrators

    @PatrickM Drag the point outside of the grid area.

  • @VectorStyler said in Blend Transfer - delete a point of the curve:

    Drag the point outside of the grid area.

    Dragging out nodes has become a bit of a de facto standard for curve editing, but many programs also support pressing DEL with a node selected. It's also clearly the most logical, when you think about it. That the DEL button suddenly can't delete something, but that it has to be thrown out over the fence, is not easy to explain.

    It's only because I'm a curious person that I discovered the node dragging thing in Photoshop, I believe. Maybe it was even by accident, which was then also a stroke of luck.

  • administrators

    @Ingolf said in Blend Transfer - delete a point of the curve:

    but many programs also support pressing DEL with a node selected.

    Added this to the backlog.

  • @VectorStyler My first reflex was indeed the "delete" key. I should have thought about it and stayed on this problem but as I was trying to reproduce with VS what I did more than 10 years ago with AI, I was already thinking about what other effects I was going to affect, wondering where to find them, etc. I wanted to come back to this problem but the transformation of my blended object crashed VS. On restart, a crash report has been sent (had to be sent).
    The habit of working with AD where the deletion of such points is also done by the delete key.
    It would be nice to add this possibility for all curves.