Last stroke of pen tool affects first line

  • Thank you for adding the magnetic close option on the pen tool - I think that is great. I noticed when I am tracing something with the pen tool and my next point is close to an existing node from earlier in the design process, it wants to gravitate there - and even gravitate toward the stroke itself. I don't know if it's helpful to have it gravitate toward any node or any stroke, or just have it gravitate toward an open path end node?
    I also noticed when I go to close a path, I don't see an easy way to just have the curve effect on my last pen movement end at the last node and not affect the opposite side of the first node line. I recorded a video of this - ignore the first click I make as I am trying to reestablish the line selection after pressing record. Do I have to press something to get it to end there without affecting the other side? I tried pressing option, is that what I need to do? If I am correct on this, would it make more sens e to have that switched?

  • administrators

    @Boldline The pen tool can modify existing nodes along the path, or create new nodes. So it is sensitive when close to the existing path. This is of course not very useful when doing manual trace. I think an option here for doing this or just drawing would help.

    When closing the path, the end/start node will be smooth. So dragging will change both sides. To close with a cusp node, just click but do not move the control point.

  • administrators

    @Boldline An option was added to the context panel, to disable path editing while using the Pen tool.

  • @vectoradmin Great! I will test it out and get back to you