Repeat Move of nodes

  • Hello all.

    Trying out VS now, as a long-time FreeHand user. Impressed by the features and flexibility, but over-whelmed by the number of preferences and options.

    Anyway, I'll start with what ought to be a simple question.
    If I use the Transform tool to move an object I can then move other objects equivalently by selecting them and using the Repeat Move menu command. All good.
    But, if I then use the Node tool to move a node, then select other node/s and choose Repeat Move, the nodes move by the amount of the earlier object movement. I would expect them to repeat the last move made, which was the node move.
    Is there a setting or technique where node movements can be repeated?

    I see that using the Transform panel to move nodes works as expected.

  • administrators

    @Raven said in Repeat Move of nodes:

    then select other node/s and choose Repeat Move, the nodes move by the amount of the earlier object movement

    I think this might be a bug. I will try to replicate it and find a fix ASAP.