pen tool drawing guide toggle

  • Hey! I am asking what the name of the drawing guide that appears when we use the pen tool - the preview that shows the line that will be there if we click - I assume there is an option to turn it on and turn it off? I like it at times and prefer it off at others. Thanks!

  • administrators

    @Boldline Cannot be turned off at this time. Maybe should be an option?

  • I think there should be an option for sure. There are times I appreciate it being on and times I prefer it off. I don't think that needs a toggle on the main interface making things busier- maybe a setting in preferences? Or in the path panel?

  • Just downloaded the newest version just now. I'll try things out. I noticed the pen tool path guide is now off by default. Where did the option to turn it on or off get put? Not seeing it yet.
    by the way, I don't mind if it's on by default. that way new users have it all ready to go and people like me who sometimes prefer it off can change the setting as we like

  • @Boldline I think it's in Preferences, under 'Changing Options' — Show Segment in Pen Tool.
    @vectoradmin I would also prefer this to be enabled by default.

  • @b77 yes that's it - thank you. I think it should be on by default. like I said, I just want the freedom to turn it off when I feel it's a hindrance.

    @vectoradmin - I turned the pen tool path guide and noticed there are large red x's when I click down - I think I remember people talking about some wanting more of an obvious sign that each node was either clicked on or a loop was closed.... I'm not sure if it needs to be smaller, or something different, but the large red X does not look good and can be distracting

  • administrators

    @Boldline I will make a different indicator for point snapping mode (added to the backlog).

  • @vectoradmin Ahh I forgot that I had turned that back on again (point snapping mode).
    Would it make sense to have this on by default? or at least make the end nodes active to snapping by default? I remember it was wanting to snap to any old node before, even on other unrelated paths - and that was not good. You fixed that in recent betas

    Just my opinion, but I felt things were fine before you added the new indicator to the snap to point. I don't think it needs to be indicated every time I click a new node down. I could see that being a setting for someone who needs extra help because of poor eyesight, etc. but I know when I have placed a point down - I click and it shows up.

    the original issue was locking in on the end node to complete a loop - it was easy to click down super close and think it was a solid connection and realize it just made another node right next to the first. That seemed fixed in recent betas.

    If people need an indicator for every node placed, I would see that as a different need from knowing a path is closed because the snap to guides my last point click over top the first node for me - guiding me in. I would make them different functions entirely

  • The current snap red X indicator also causes a small delay in the process of going on to the next task - the next node, etc.