New tool dedicated to selecting clipped content?

  • I know I've brought this topic up in the past but I now thought of a potential solution. Right now it's too easy to accidentally select objects that are clipped inside another shape but are not visible otherwise outside the clipping shape. If I roll my cursor over an otherwise empty looking area, it highlights too easily, all the hidden parts. When I actually want to grab something from within the clipping mask on screen, it's difficult to select. I usually don't bother trying and just use the layers panel to go find that clipped part, or I drag around outside the clipping mask with the node editor tool and weight for it to pop up and then switch to the transform tool to make an official selection if it.
    Could the node editor tool be changed to NOT highlight hidden clipped content and add a tool alongside it to do that specific purpose?

    I know there are additional tools alongside the transform tool, but they do not seem to relate to this issue, (unless I am not understanding properly)
    Here is a video showing this issue in action

    the video also shows in this case that the navy background piece disappears temporarily when I am editing the clipped shape in the piece above it (this at at the 11second mark)

  • administrators

    @Boldline I'm not sure a new tool would help with this case.

    The problem is that when using the node tool, it will (by default) go inside groups and in VS, clipped content are just groups with shapes.

    I will try to figure out a better workflow for this.