Loading Custom Brushes

  • I downloaded custom calligraphy brushes online. I'm used to Illustrator where you add them through the brush panel. I'm trying to add them in VS but I'm not seeing anything like that in its brush panel?

    Is there any way to add custom brushes to VectorStyler? A review I saw seemed to indicate it had compatibility with Illustrator AI brush files but I can't find any way to import them inside VS.

    Is there any way to do this? Perhaps a guide that can be referenced?

  • administrators

    @RadiantRoomba There are multiple ways to do this, assuming the brushes are in an AI file.

    1. Select the Panels -> Presets -> Open Brush Preset File command, select the AI file with the brushes and confirm. The brushes will be listed in a new panel, you may need to open the "Brush Types" group in the panel.

    2. Open the AI file as a regular file, and open the Panels -> Styles -> Brush Styles panel. You will find the brushes listed here.