Some Action folders remain open and some get closed after switching panels

  • I'm not sure how this works or why is this happening. Best illustrated in the video but here's a short description.

    1. I have a few action folders (ISO, Dimetric, Trimetric).
    2. Action folder "ISO" doesn't have sub-folders, "Dimetric" and "Trimetric" does.
    3. When I expand folder "ISO" (which doesn't have sub-folders) then switch to another panel and back, "ISO" remains open.
    4. When I expand "Dimetric" or "Trimetric" (both of which have sub-folders) then switch to another panel and back, they get closed.

    I have tried to create some test Action folders, some with and some without subfolders and items, but I got some random results. Not sure what the reason is.

    Didn't file it under bug reports because it's not a burning issue.


    VS 1.1.099