Where do I switch options for left-click and right-click controlling fill vs stroke/front or back square, etc ?

  • The color palette panel allows the user to left-click to change the color of whichever square , fill or stroke is in the foreground and a right-click will change the color of the background square.

    I believe it was @encart who requested the ability to make the left-click always change the fill and right-click always change the stroke, no matter which is in the foreground or background. I'm not opposed to this option and I might end up switching to that method.
    Right now, the secondary vertical palette works the way @encart suggested, but the color palette panel works the opposite way. Is there a main preferences setting I need to change either way or is it in the palette settings?

    0_1694295825956_92d2b90e-9c41-453b-a2bc-b19acb9705a5-BLD 2023-09-09 at 17.43.37.png

  • @Boldline So you want clicking the colors in the Color Palette panel to work identical
    to clicking the colors in the Color Palette bar — left-click assigning the color to the fill
    even when the Stroke button is active?

  • @b77 To me it would make sense that it be universal - that the user could choose which method he prefers. Right now I am used to one way and when i sample colors from the other palette, I often get the wrong result.

    What would be the benefit to you for each to have it's own different selection method? Wouldn't you want it one way for all?

  • @Boldline
    A Prefs setting that disables the current mode of assigning colors
    for the Color bar wouldn't hurt. (It could be that there is such a
    setting and I couldn't find it).

    What I'm not so sure of is having a setting that enables the same color
    assigning method for the Color Palette panel — it could be confusing
    because of the Fill/Stroke button combo in this panel.

    But I don't use both the Color Palette and the Color bar, so maybe I miss
    something here.