Grid-It Extension

  • I saw this handy gridding extension that I thought might offer some interesting ideas for VS.

    I like the option to make all nodes have flat handles in either vertical or horizontal positions. I also like the option for it to create a grid based on your common lines and allow for you to correct your own lines after. " ...automatically detects the edges and trajectory of vertical, horizontal & diagonal lines. Recreating gridlines manually can be insanely time-consuming and tedious. The 'Gridlines' feature automatically detects the size of your art-board and generates gridlines accordingly"

    some great options for those who create fonts or create grid-based logos

  • @Boldline If 'Create on Object Boundary' from the menu of the Guidelines panel
    would create guidelines around each object of the selection, this would be almost
    similar to the grid of guides this plugin creates, no?

  • @b77 said in Grid-It Extension:

    Create on Object Boundary' from the menu of the Guidelines panel

    I opened the Guidelines panel but did not see any option for that. Where do you see it?

  • administrators

    @Boldline Interesting extension. I see four features here:

    • creating anchor points, this should be covered in 1.2 now.
    • creating handles: this seems to add lines and circles where the curve handles are. This could be implemented easily, but not clear what is the use case.
    • creating outlines: not clear what is new in this case, it seems to add an outline to the object.
    • creating guidelines: this is interesting, partially done by Create on Object Boundary from the Guidelines panel menu.
      But this creates guidelines from every line of the selection. Would this be useful?

  • @VectorStyler There may not actually be much to add to VS from this extension. Converting to an outline and showing nodes and handles were not what stood out to me.

    I was initially thinking of font designers and simple shape logo designers who may want an automated option to convert nodes to symmetric at 90 and 45 degree angles and the ability to automate the creation of guidelines from every line of the selection.

    I could see these being useful options that might speed up some of the initial work in preparing a font letter design or a word full of letters created by hand where it adds in all guides at once and then those can be adjusted. I don't think its revolutionary what they are offering. I know you design fonts @b77 , what are your thoughts on it?

    I'll look again for the "Create on Object Boundary" from the Guidelines panel menu again and try that out

  • @VectorStyler said in Grid-It Extension:

    • creating handles: this seems to add lines and circles where the curve handles are. This could be implemented easily, but not clear what is the use case.
    • creating outlines: not clear what is new in this case, it seems to add an outline to the object.

    These two are similar to Mark Fromberg's Presenter plugin for Glyphs.
    They are just like a (vector) visual effect, to make things look interesting.

    @Boldline To me the grid/guidelines part seems to be the most useful, and can partly be emulated
    in VS, as the developer said.