Taskbar icon change (now orange?)

  • It's a nice change and better color fit, imo and it lines up with my red/orange section of icons nicely. I arrange by ROYGBIV as it keeps it visually easier to scan. Also, because I'm weird.

    Minor feedback: I have VS pinned in my taskbar and it lost the reference (i.e. not found) when I installed the latest update.

    When loading the program, the taskbar icon was actually blank at first and I couldn't repin it at all. I restarted, or maybe I just had to be patient and it showed up eventually with the "new one" and then I was able to repin it. The application is still blue though? Minor issue.


  • administrators

    @debraspicher Might be that windows cached the previous (beta) icon.

  • @debraspicher said in Taskbar icon change (now orange?):

    Minor feedback: I have VS pinned in my taskbar and it lost the reference (i.e. not found) when I installed the latest update.

    It has probably always been like that, but I haven't kept an eye on it for a long time, as I'm done with Windows after 30 years. Goodbye, and good riddance.

    Personally, I missed a Windows installer that allows you not to place an icon on the desktop, and which generated an icon that, when placed in the taskbar, worked after the next update.