Question about Repeat Last

  • Hi,

    When I draw an object, and move the rotation center (the orange dot) to the lower right corner, and then rotate and copy the object manually (with shift+alt), the copy rotates around the ornange dot.

    However, when I rotate and copy once, and then use the Repeat Last command, the copy rotates, but the resulting copy is offset.


    I tried looking if there was an option somewhere that enables this offset, but the only one I found was the Duplicate Offset, which I have set to 0,0.

    Is this offset intended, and if so, can it be turned off?


  • administrators

    @Gremriel I checked this and it looks like repeat last takes the rotation center from the new bounding box.
    An other way to do repeated rotation is to use Object -> Transform -> Rotate and set the Apply To to Copy, set the angle, number of repetitions, and rotation corner.

  • Hi,

    That works, thanks.