Assets Panel

  • Are you planning to add an assets panel? Would be handy . I often use previously prepared files in various projects and try to find a way to easily access them.

  • administrators

    @encart There are a number of options for this using presets and/or styles.

    With presets: it is possible to save any attribute (color, stroke, shapes, fills, etc) or object as a preset. Preset files are organized by type of attribute, with each type in a separate file.
    It is possible (and recommended) to create new preset groups pointing to a folder where your custom preset files are stored (see Preset Manager, and Presets panel). When saving a preset, the group must be selected in the Group field of the Save Preset view.
    Presets can also be stored in the document, but then they are visible only for that document.

    With styles: again anything can be saved as a style, but styles can only be stored in a document (they are linked when used, instead of copying). This means that if a style is changed, all instances of that style use are also changed.
    It is possible to reuse styles from an other document, by linking that document using the Styles -> Document Links command. With this, all styles of that document are visible and usable in the current document, and if the linked document changes the styles are automatically updated.
    In this case it is recommended to keep the linked document with the one using its styles, or to embed it into the document.

  • Thank you. So as far as i see to use my svg's i should open it first and add as a preset? I found a bug in that place. Svg file saved as a preset appear on the list and in document upside down. Problem with coordinates.
    Would be great if instead of creating a shape and than aplying preset, could just drag&drop on canvas a preset. Maybe it is possible but i don't know how to do that.

  • administrators

    @encart Yes, the SVG should be imported and then added as a Symbol preset. Symbols can be drag&dropped from the Presets panel. Shapes require an existing object to change the shape.