Spot colors are converted to process colors by default when 'Separate' is enabled in Print window

  • @vectoradmin and @861475_VctSt

    If there are spot colors in the document, usually they are there to be printed separately (a plate for each ink), so I think they should be automatically added to the list of inks when you click 'Separate', and if you have a special color (say, a dashed stroke in magenta ink that's been renamed to 'Diecut' and set to overprint), the user can just disable it in the list with a click on the 'eye' button.

    The current scheme with the 'Add' button next to the 'All spot colors' checkbox is slow and can lead to prepress (and print) errors.

    I'd rather have the reverse of the current behavior — a simple 'Convert ALL spot colors to CMYK' checkbox that will convert the Pantones to process if needed (usually it's not), and a button that does the same for each spot color in the list.

    It's faster that way (just click 'Separate' >> all inks are included) and avoids mistakes in prepress where the operator can forget to check for spot colors in the document and RIPs everything as CMYK.

  • TL;DR Spot colors should be visible directly in the list when the user clicks 'Separate' — having to check for them with two or three more clicks is slow and risky.

  • administrators

    @b77 Added to the backlog as a bug.This is only a UI issue, can be fixed.