Rotate View Tool Return to 100% upright

  • Apologies if this is covered somewhere - I went through the documentation looking for it.
    When I have the Rotate View Tool Selected and I'm rotating my canvas around - how do I get it back to 100% straight up and down again? Would a double click while this tool is selected work best?
    On a related note, I like the shortcut of shift-spacebar @vectoradmin, to do a quick rotate and the way it reverts back to the former tool selected after - that is great!
    With either rotation method, is there a way to revert to the original 90 degrees? Is there a way to constrain canvas rotation to major degrees? 90, 45, etc. This seems a little harder since you're already pressing two keys down to hold while rotating on the fly.
    Is there a way to manually enter a rotation degree?

  • administrators

    @Boldline Command+3 will set the rotation to 0 degree (original).
    Command+0 will rotate back to 0 degree but will also zoom to the artboard.
    Holding the Command key while rotating the view will constrain the rotation to 5 degrees (so it is easier to get to 45 degree).
    Without the rotate tool, when starting from 0 degree, the Command+{ and Command+} shortcuts will increment (decrement) the rotation by 5 degree.
    There is also View -> Rotate View -> with the 90 degree increments.

  • @vectoradmin I also like the tool for rotating and getting back to the initial angle located at the bottom left of the app. Just really 'noticed" it That is helpful as well. Easy access and location