Text Tool and Area Text Tool - Cannot Cut and Paste

  • Hello,

    I am trying to cut the text from Microsoft Word and paste to VectorStyler via Text Tool and Area Text Tool but the paste is not available.

    Please help.

    Thank you.

  • @KF I can't test the issue here (don't have MS Word), but as a quick workaround, you can open the file in Pages, TextEdit (Mac) or WordPad (Win) and copy the text from there.

  • @b77

    I have copy and paste the text to Notepad (Win), and copy the text from Notepad to VectorStyler but the paste function in the Edit menu is not available. While the text layer is being selected I am trying to press Ctrl + V button too but can't paste the text.

  • @KF The text object (it's not a layer) needs to be double-clicked so you can enter text editing mode and can paste the text inside it.

    But 'Paste' should be available anyway in the Edit menu.

    Sending the Word file to the developers should help them identify the issue.

  • @b77

    I have double click on the artboard but pressing Ctrl + V has no effect and the Paste function within the Edit menu is not available.

  • administrators

    @KF Looks like pasting rich text (formatted text) from MSWord is not working. Only plain text pasting works.
    I open a bug on this one.

  • @vectoradmin

    I am trying this:
    Copy the text from Notepad (Win) > Click the Text Tool and click on the artboard > press Ctrl + V.
    I have tried copy the text from Notepad (Win) > Click the Text Tool and click on the artboard > Edit Menu. For this option the paste menu is not active.

    Is my steps of copy and paste text okay?

    Best regards,

  • administrators

    @KF The above steps work here (on Windows).
    I have to investigate this further. There have been reports of issues with Windows clipboard before.