Force VS to only allow a specific sublayer shape to be edited?

  • Is there a way to tell VS to only allow edits to a particular sublayer? For example, if I have a shape inside a clipping mask that I want to edit with the node editing tool without fear of altering the containing shape - is there a way to do so?
    I was thinking the "active shape" option in the layer panel might accomplish this, but it does not seem to.

    I was also thinking the isolation mode would due the trick, but even in isolation mode, I can still edit the containing shape
    0_1691683434962_db258758-e835-46a4-b767-8b10a71ffdc6-BLD 2023-08-10 at 12.03.30.png

  • @Boldline

    maybe the "Select members of a group..." could be helpful ?

    0_1691684754973_Select member group.png

  • @Subpath maybe, but the issue mostly happens when I'm using the node editing tool and that is not related to my choice of transform tool options.

    I wonder about a right-click on the sublayer option to "isolate sublayer" or something.

  • Right now it's a bit frustrating because there's no good way to isolate a sublayer to edit without accidentally editing the containing object or moving it by mistake, etc... I don't know a way to lock an upper layer while keeping a sublayer layer free to edit.
    Perhaps the answer could be tied to the request made a while back for the ability to select a layer or sublayer and right click for the extra menu and tell it to "lock all other layers"?

  • administrators

    @Boldline Active shape is something else.
    I think this should be an option of the Node tool, whether to allow selection of other shapes, while a shape is already selected.