A way to show Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Hi

    I found an idea in Cavalry that might also be helpful in dealing with shortcuts in VS.
    (Cavalry is a new vector program for motion graphics, for anyone who is interested,
    here a Link)
    Cavalry Homepage

    The relevant keyboard shortcuts for the Tool are always shown in the lower
    left corner of the canvas.

    Here some Pictures:


  • administrators

    @Subpath Interesting idea, I will add this to the feature request list. There is already a task for a status panel/bar, and an Info panel. Maybe this type of info can be integrated there.

  • @vectoradmin

    nice to hear 🙂

  • This is a good idea. Easy to understand, a quick read. Keyboard shortcuts displayed in the status bar like in Inkscape and Affinity runs out of space because of the very limited space available. And screen resolution matters so on laptops even less can be displayed. So this is ideal.

    Maybe a keyboard icon or whatever down here:

    that enabled displays a tooltip like box:

    I wouldn't want the shortcuts displayed like that all the time and certainly not never either. On demand - while the icon is activated would work for me. It would certainly become the most used feature down there for me - by far. Fast, easy, high value help.

  • @Ingolf

    In Cavalry it shows only the shortcuts to the relevant tool.
    But in VS there could also be a switch in the preferences to turn this
    on or off.

    It might also be helpful if we could set the transparency
    of the text info individually.

  • @Subpath said in A way to show Keyboard Shortcuts:

    In Cavalry it shows only the shortcuts to the relevant tool.

    Yes, of course it shall only show shortcuts for the active tool. That is the point of that info. 🙂 Just like the information shown in the status bar in Affinity or Inkscape about shortcut keys for the active tool - but displayed like this instead:

    alt text

    But in VS there could also be a switch in the preferences to turn this on or off.

    Yes, also in the preferences but not only. I would myself (want to) enable or disable it quickly several times a day without going all the way to preferences.

    It might also be helpful if we could set the transparency of the text info individually.
