Add color to palette (fast) from color panel

  • Very common scenario here: I am satisfied with a color from my document - it is the active fill or stroke color - and I want to add it quickly to the palette. The add color implementation in VS probably assumes I already know the color from a Pantone swatch or some corporate identity manual but I am a creative hippie 🙂 that creates swatches on the go very often.

    Affinity color panel menu:
    0_1643236073900_Skærmbillede 2022-01-26 kl. 23.27.40.png

    What I am missing is the Add Color to Palette option in the color panel in VS.

  • @Ingolf Selecting 'New Color' from the Color Palette's menu should do that. 👍
    Same command works if you add it from the Color bar's menu. Or use 'Create from Selection'.

    But maybe 'Add Color to Palette' is better than 'New Color'?

    @vectoradmin When doing this (adding new color to the Color Palette panel), the color is not added to the Color bar automatically.

  • @b77 Yes, Add is more meaningful because that is what it actually does. 🙂 I expected som "start from scratch dialog" workflow when I read New.

    @vectoradmin Double click to edit fill and stroke in the palette panel would also be great.

  • administrators

    @Ingolf @Boldline will fix these

  • administrators

    @Ingolf This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.024