Recovered files previously unsaved do not "become" the new file

  • When VS freezes and I have to restart, I'm always grateful the recovery pulls up files that were not fully saved at the time of the crash or freeze.
    It's been improved recently with only non-saved files showing up when the recovery is initiated.
    Today, after a VS freeze and restart, I had a completely unsaved file that was recovered like usual and I clicked on the recovery file tab and then command-S to save it. It brought up the save box and I gave it a name and location to save it in. After committing to the save, the recovered file still remained open in VS as "untitled". I went to check and see if I could find the same file renamed in its folder and I was able to, but it would not open that newly named file until I closed out the untitled file first.
    It might be a bug, but if not, I think it would be best if the recovered untitled file immediately took on the new saved name so the user could be confident it was indeed saved and names correctly from the recovery file.

  • administrators

    @Boldline I will try to replicate this, added to the backlog.

  • administrators

    @Boldline This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.024