Perfect ellipse not so perfect?

  • I made this circular ellipse enforcing a perfect circle using the modifier key. Then as I rotate these to shapes they ... go beyond the ellipse border?

    Demonstration movie

    Trying to cover a circle from VS in Affinity with a similar circle:
    Red ellipse: VS
    Blue: Affinity

    0_1645396268555_Skærmbillede 2022-02-20 kl. 23.30.39.png

  • I can not replicate that issue. Both shapes are identical in my case.

  • administrators

    @Ingolf Got the file by email.
    In the file, the width and height of the ellipse are different (seen in Transform panel).

    When drawing an ellipse, releasing the modifier key before releasing the mouse could cause this.

  • @vectoradmin said in Perfect ellipse not so perfect?:

    @Ingolf Got the file by email.
    In the file, the width and height of the ellipse are different (seen in Transform panel).

    Yes, that should also be the result of a distortion. 🙂

    When drawing an ellipse, releasing the modifier key before releasing the mouse could cause this.

    I'll give it another shot when I return to my Mac late today. I was aware of this possibility so I did my best not to release it too early when I tried. On this Windows machine I cannot reproduce.