Fill colour selection, quality of mouse pointers, squashed menu text - Win10

  • I am really liking where VectorStyler is going. Some observations:

    I expected the colour of a selected object to change instantaneously upon a click of a colour in the palette a the bottom of the screen. This does not happen. When I pick another colour though, the object's fill colour changes to my previous selection. click on colour in palette and fill colour of selected object does not change
    click on another colour and object fill changes to PREVIOUS selected colour

    Overall the text in the interface is quite clear (yay!) but the text in the main menu appears to be squashed and less sharp:
    text appearance in main menu squashed and less sharp

    The mouse pointers look really bad. I understand the white outline as needed against the dark background, but there is some ghosting happening with dark pixels beyond that. The skew pointer is not even recognizable.
    default pointer rotation pointer skew pointer

  • administrators

    @syllie Added these bugs to the backlog.

  • Just checked out build 209 and I can see the fixes and improvements there. Thank you! The menu reads perfect now and the palette bar does what it should do. I think the crispness of the pointers can be improved further but they are much better now.

    I like the new application icon too!