ToolTips have disappeared in (1.1.082 Win 11)

  • It seems the tooltips have disappeared. I have tried many different ideas to get them back, like reverting to default preferences, trying VS on both my primary and secondary monitor, increasing and decreasing the tooltip tip delay in preferences, all to no avail.

    The only thing that works is to click on a blank area of the intended context toolbar, the toolbox, or a panel, and then over over an icon within that intended area, and it will display the tooltip for that particular area. if you move your mouse to outside that area and over over other icons, it will not display unless you click on the a blank area in that particular panel/toolbox/toolbar, etc. Sometimes the toolbars disappear after a while without any new clicks.

    I hope that helps.

  • administrators

    I tried to replicate this on both Windows and Mac, but tooltips seem to work here. Of course I always have the default config, so there could be something that accumulated in the workspace or settings files.

    One thing to try is to find the workspace.xml and settings.xml files, back them up and then reset VS to its default settings.

  • You gave me some good ideas.
    I eventually deleted all the files under Vectorstyler1.0\vector\data\resources restarted VS and that did not fix the issue. Just to be sure, I deleted all the presets under Vectorstyler1.0\vector\data\presets, restarted VS and that also did not fix the issue.

    I started thinking about my monitor setup. I have 2 "Extended" displays: a 4K monitor set as my "main display" (but its Identify number is 2), and below it, a Dell canvas pen and touch (think budget Wacom) running at 2560 x 1440 resolution. its Identify number is 1.

    Focusing on what settings might be quirky for me, I went into Windows > System >Display settings I tried playing with the "Scale & Layout" settings. I had it set to a Scale of "150% (Recommended)".
    After changing the scale to 100% and then back to 150%, it fixed the problem! I now get my toolips again.
    Upon restarting I noticed that instead if VS opening on the top 4K main display it opened instead on the Dell tablet below. After moving VS to the top 4k monitor, exiting VS, and reopening VS, it defaulted to the top 4K. The tooltips are still working.

    I provided all those details so it can help you better troubleshoot the issue. I have had previous problems with VS regarding two screens in Windows 11 before. One was VS window getting cut off when switching it to different screens, which you fixed. The other still persisting issue is certain right-click context menus will spill over onto the lower monitor when using VS on the top monitor. So something with the code that is not quite right when handling dual mismatched resolution and scaled monitors in Win11.

    I hope that helps. Thank you!

  • administrators

    @Victor-Vector said in ToolTips have disappeared in (1.1.082 Win 11):

    After changing the scale to 100% and then back to 150%, it fixed the problem! I now get my toolips again.

    This will help in replicating it.

  • @VectorStyler An update:
    I lost the tooltips again and this time I was able to resolve the issue more precisely.

    I immediately tried changing the Windows Display Scale to 100%, and then back to 150% percent, but that was not the configuration that fixed it.

    Under Windows > System > Display > Multiple Displays > Make this my main display.
    To start, with the main display was the upper 4K monitor. Changing "Make this my main display" to the lower 2560 x 1440 monitor, then back to the 4k Monitor fixed the issue.

    Thank you for your patience, as I must have also tried this when I initially reported this issue, but did not realize it actually solved the missing tooltip problem.