Stroke width display not conform selection

  • I have my dimensions set up to be pixels. In the stroke panel, there is an option 'hairline' and 0.05px but neither of these options is reflected in the field when chosen (displays width 0.0 or 0.1px). Not sure if these values are even useful.

    The width selection dropdown seems to behave a bit finicky too, clicking on a value updates the setting in the width field, but the checkmark in the dropdown does not move/refresh on click (reopening the dropdown shows that the selection was made successfully, the checkmark appears next to the selected value).

  • administrators

    @syllie Looks like the preview in the stroke width field is not large enough (needs 2 decimals).
    Could not replicate the checkmark issue. When clicking on a value, the dropdown should close. If not that is a bug. It closes for me.
    While hovering over a value (but not yet clicking) the value is previewed in the object.

  • @vectoradmin Not closing of the dropdown explains the checkmark not being set. The dropdown does not close for me - Win10. I've restarted the application and this persists.

  • administrators

    @syllie I will look into this. This seems to be a bug, the dropdown should close.

  • @vectoradmin This has improved somewhat, but the behaviour is a bit flaky. When I click almost of the edge of the dropdown (outer left or outer right), the selection is made in one click and the dropdown closes.

    In all other circumstances I need to click twice and where ever my second click was becomes active. I was thinking that clicking ON the line would set and close the dropdown, much like selecting panels in the main menu.

    A screengrab:
    alt text

  • administrators

    @syllie There are some improvements for the Windows version in the new build. Let me know if this issue still exists.

  • @vectoradmin unfortunately this issue still persists.

    • The dropdown does not close on the first click.

    • Clicking a second time sets the value and closes the dropdown.

    • Hovering over the options in the dropdown dynamically updates both the width value field as well as the stroke width on screen. It does reset to starting value when I click somewhere off the panel.

    • Should a panel close (dismiss) on hitting Esc ?

  • administrators

    @syllie Seems that this issue is still open. Points 1 and 4 are bugs, it should close on the first click and on Esc.
    I could not yet replicate the first click not closing issue.

  • administrators

    @syllie I did manage to replicate this finally 🙂 The key was to have the panels docked on the side. The new build shuld fix the menu handling issues.

  • @vectoradmin Top! All working now in build 1.0.020 RC1 (and yes I have my panels docked).