Cannot delete actions. Cannot create new action folder.

  • I used "Save..." in the Action Panel's menu to save all of them.

    But that still doesn't explain why I no longer can create an action folder.

  • @pentool Now that you uploaded the actions in the other thread, I downloaded and opened
    them here. They are displayed in a separate tab, they work and I can also delete them.

  • Well, that's nice, but they are still there if you delete them, quit the app, and restart. Also, as I was saying earlier, i am not able to create a new action folder. have you tried that?

  • @pentool OK, I replicated the issue with a new folder and two actions I made — I cannot delete
    the folder directly (it will be still there in the Actions panel after restart) but if I delete the actions
    inside it before deleting the folder, it gets deleted as it should.

  • That is not working for me. For example, if I delete all actions from the ISO folder (left/right/top) and then delete the ISO folder, when I restart the app the ISO folder and all actions are still in it.

  • I'm thinking that since the actions were originally imported from a file, the app is maybe linking to the file and even if you delete the actions and everything around it, upon restarting the app it will read all the actions from the file again. But that's just a guess.

  • @pentool Let's see if the developer can replicate the issue tomorrow morning.
    It doesn't sound like something that will take long to fix.

  • Ok, so I found all of my "Test" folders I was creating in the Actions panel under the "Preset Manager". I don't understand why are they showing up here and not in the Action panel where I created them originally.

    All of them are under the "Axonometric Transformations" title, yet only the ISO, Dimetric, and Trimetric showing up in the actions panel. All the "Test" ones are not.

    0_1690763248156_Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 2.25.52 AM.png

  • I'm also somewhat hazy on the fact that under the Panels menu there are clearly two menu items:

    • Presets...and
    • Styles

    But there's a Style menu, under which you find the Preset Manager. Somehow that's a tad confusing. If Presets and Styles are two different entities then why is the Preset Manager is under Styles?

  • So to add to this story...

    ...I have deleted all of the "Axonometric Transformations" actions from Styles > Preset Manager. However, the preset type (or whatever is the correct terminology) cannot be deleted. In other words, the action folder names "Axonometric Transformations" cannot be deleted from the Preset Manager.

    Also, when I open the Actions panel (Panels > Presets > Action) and create a new action folder, it does show up in the Preset Manager under "Axonometric Transformations > Folder". However, this folder is not showing up in the Axonometric Transformation action panel itself.

    Sorry, I know it's confusing, lemme try to illustrate all this with the usual video.

    VS 1.1.094

  • administrators

    @pentool I will try to replicate this. It might be a bug in how custom actions files are handled.