Easier way to change brush in brushes panel?

  • When I am using the brushes in the "brushes panel", its difficult to switch to a different brush because the dropdown currently shows ALL the available brushes. (Labeled as #1 in the pic below) This method works if there are only a few brushes to choose between, but as a user adds more brushes in the future, the scrolling will take longer.
    Could we mimic what can be done in the brush presets panel where descriptive folders could house the different types of brush sets? Maybe even allow for a "favorites" area and/or "recently used" where the user could quickly access brushes they use often without having to scroll at all?

    0_1703454450882_8d9a3726-4fe1-445b-a545-fb35b40661c5-CleanShot 2023-12-24 at 16.45.20.png

  • administrators

    @Boldline I will try to find a solution for this.