Arkipelago font problem
After using Arkipelago font in VS's font manager, white spots occurred on printed materials. After activating this font in Fontbase, everything is ok.
Printed and scanned text:
, VS still handles the font on its own so there should not be any difference.
in case it helps, I made a new folder for fonts inside VS's font manager and added the font "Arkipelago" and did not have any display issues like in the photo from the original post.
@Harry What was the printer driver, and is there an example VS file which resulted in these spots?
The VS file might be also needed to replicate this.
@Boldline Thanks for checking but display is not a problem. The issue appears on paper after printing.
@VectorStyler Printer is Brother MFC - J4620 DW. Printer driver is the latest from the Brother site.
I've noticed that other (nonsystem fonts) also have this problem. Those are printed and scanned samples made by fonts activated with VS font manager and Fontbase:
Another app like MS Word prints those correctly (fonts activated in Fontbase).
@Harry Sorry I initially misunderstood the issue. I understand now what you're trying to solve
@Harry said in Arkipelago font problem:
Printer is Brother MFC - J4620 DW. Printer driver is the latest from the Brother site.
I will try to replicate this. When the font is from the VS font manager, in some cases it might be sent to the printer as curves.
@Harry I tried to replicate this problem, with the printer driver (by printing to file) but it seems to be working here.
One thing to try is to print to file (with the Print to File option in VS printing view) and open the resulting PDF file in a PDF viewer to see if there are errors. Also send me the PDF file printed from VS.
@VectorStyler Here is the file produced with Print to File option in VS and fonts activated in VS Font Manager. I'm unable to open this file. It is zipped for forum.
0_1714998634667_Arkipelago font
@Harry It looks like this is not a PostScript file. Could be that the printer driver does not produce postscript.