Text on Path: how to make the text centered?

  • Hi,

    I can't seem to find a way to make sure the text on a path is centered on a path. For example, I draw an ellipse, and put a text on it.


    In this case, it looks centered, but I have to eyeball it. I tried using the Align Center from the formatting context bar, but then it jumps to this position:


  • administrators

    @Gremriel If the text shape (aka point text) was created separately (not on a path with the text on path tool), then the Text -> Text on Path command will do the centering by default.

    If the text shape is created on a path with the text on path tool, then a few settings must be adjusted:

    • first align text to center, this will place it somewhere depending on the starting position, and the shape.
    • then select Text -> Text on Path command (with the text shape selected).
    • check the Radial Position and set the Position to 0, and confirm.

  • Thank you.