Inaccurate Trim “Precision” of the Eraser Tool. Improved Tool Tip.

  • @vectoradmin,

    I have noticed that after using the Eraser Tool tool Option of trimming/deleting segments (Eraser Tool->Hold Down Shift and Drag) that when Zoomed In to very high Magnification Levels, the path segment(s) cut are not exactly coincident at the Intersection Point.

    Is there a Precision setting that can be set for this? If not, I think the precision should be improved.

    Improved Eraser Tool Tip:
    The Cursor hover over Tool Tip for the Eraser Tool needs to be better worded to indicate its capabilities and options.

    Current Tool Tip:
    "Eraser Tool - Erase parts of object shapes using the eraser tool"

    Suggested new Tool Tip:
    “Click and Drag to Erase parts of objects shapes, Hold down Shift to Trim and Join endpoints at the intersection. Merge at Intersections if enabled in Context Panel”.

    FYI, I think updating/improving the Tool Tips is a User Interface enhancement that would go a long way in decreasing the steep learning curve of VectorStyler (but that topic is for a new and separate forum post).

  • administrators

    @Vector-Rock The precision issue can be replicated. There is no settings for this, it will be fixed in the next build.

    Any suggestions on tool tips are welcome 🙂

  • administrators

    @Vector-Rock Trim precision of eraser (also trim and join) tool is better now in build 1.0.041.

    The other large zoom issue (reported in a different thread) remain open.