Lost background canvas of program

  • I broke it. I was attempting to set my tool bar on horizontal and it removed everything except the panels as you can see in the image attached. What I did to try to fix it:

    1. close program and reopen.
    2. restart computer
    3. uninstall and reinstall Vectorstyler
      None of those made any difference.
      alt text0_1661975028317_vectorstyler display.JPG

  • @SJStalter

    sorry dont know whats happen either

    can only say that set the Toolbar horizontal work
    Win 10 / VS 1.1.059

  • FWIW-mine is Win Vers 10.0.19043

  • @SJStalter said in Lost background canvas of program:

    FWIW-mine is Win Vers 21H1 (OS Build 19043.1889)

    If you see the menus select

    View => Workspaces => restore default

    Does that help?

  • 'fraid not, Ingolf.......can't even get to any menus....cant see them. Only thing I can access is preferences. What you see in that image is exactly what I can see.

  • Then delete or rename the folder:


    You license file is stored as C:\Users\<yourlogin>\NumericPath\VectorStyler1.0\vector\license.xml

    You might want to restore so renaming is safer.

  • After I rename that folder....then what? Install again?

  • No, jun run VS, it will start from scratch with default settings so you'll have to restore the license file or re-enter license code.

  • That didn't change anything. Still only the panels showing. It did not reset to default. Bummer.

  • That is strange, we just removed every bit of configuration from the equation. How is your setup, external screen and laptop, both screens on?

  • not sure what you mean abut setup, external screen and yes my laptop screen is on. I was using my ipad as a drawing tablet but that is turned off now.

  • @SJStalter said in Lost background canvas of program:

    FWIW-mine is Win Vers 10.0.19043

    Sorry, I think there was a misunderstanding here

    with VS 1.1.059 i meant the VectorStyler version I use.

  • @SJStalter Just what stuff you have 🙂 Any of this any help?


    I had some weird problems with two monitors and the laptop screen disabled.

    How does it work with only the external screen on?

    Windows key + P

    @VectorStyler If my theory here is right, the issues I reported about two external monitors also occurs in a laptop-external screen setup and then must be solved.

  • @subpath.....lol...sorry I misunderstood.

    @Ingolf--I have completely removed all traces of VectorStyler from my computer, re-downloaded from site, reinstalled. and darn it , I still only see panels. No place to put in software key. The thing is, it was working with ipad as drawing tablet screen along with laptop screen UNTIL I tried to put toolbar Horizontal. I cant even use the program right now. there is probably an easy fix, I will just do something else until I hear more.

  • @Ingolf said in Lost background canvas of program:

    Windows key + P

    But try this - now we could have Windows involved in the issue, that would explain why the settings are not related.

  • Oh boy that was fun. that made everything on my screen gigantic! lol. I was barely able to reboot to get out of that. I am thinking that you just cant use another screen to draw on with this software. I have a Huion 13" and a regular drawing tablet that is not a screen. I'll give them a try if I am ever able to open VectorStyler again. At this point I still cant open the program, only the panels show.

  • In a normal Windows setup, "External only" should display your desktop in a normal resolution, and your laptop's screen should be turned off. Sometimes you have to adjust it up a bit.

    This is what I constantly use at work for presentations.

    You can also fiddle with it more manually from display setup, where you can see what resolution Windows is about to use when you press apply.

    By the way, Windows reverts to the original setup after 15 seconds if you haven't approved the setup.

  • administrators

    @SJStalter On the bottom left corner of the screenshot in the first post I see the VectorStyler window title icon.
    It should not be that small, but can it be resized?

    EDIT: red circle around the possible VS window. But it should not be at that size.


  • Yes i found it. Yesterday the Navigator panel was covering the critical part. I've resized it and now have my program background. Thank you so much!