Just a Pattern
While i was I looking at this pattern, I had the idea that
it might look like a peacock's tail, so I create this one.
well, I think you can also see it as a kind of pattern
saw this interesting design made with CorelDraw
and i recreated it in VectorStyler
(Shapebuilder was involved)
made a variation, also all in VectorStyler
some further variations of this design
seems that i am not short on Ideaswill do a tutorial which tricks VectorStyler offers
to get such results
the first tutorial is online, you found it here:
this second tutorial shows how to replace dashes of a stroke with another shape
Another pattern, created in Vectorstyler
is an overlay of different patterns and
experiments with combined stroke stripes
I'm still experimenting with the possibilities Stroke Stripe offers
for creating patterns.It started with that simple pattern below, I added an offset shape effect
and used Stroke Stripe with Boolean Combine on it.
The Colors were made with Colorize.To get such patterns from Stroke Stripe it should be closed shapes
and then do a Boolean Combine with it.
Found some new ways for creating Pattern in VS.
You could also take look at this link
https://www.vectorstyler.com/forum/topic/4843/inverted-wave-zig-zag-with-the-outline-zigzag-shape-effectHere just one Result, but many many Variations
are possible this way
created a, color-wise, somewhat structured version.
A fairly simple pattern, what made it special was
the use of “colorize” with my own palette.
Menu > Effects > Replace colors > Colorize...
another one of my pattern experiments
also colored via colorize like the one above
Working on a Mosaic Project, reusing an old pattern i made,
here a Result. Everything made in VectorStyler. To get slightly
different colors for each mosaic tile "Disturb Colors" was used.
Menu > Effects > Replace Colors > Disturb Colors